
Summary:ASTERISK-23569: Spanish translation for digits/h-billion is wrong
Reporter:Octavio Ruiz (tacvbo)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-04-01 16:45:57Date Closed:
Versions:Frequency of
Description:Spanish translation for digits/h-billion is wrong, in Spanish, a billion is equivalent to a million million (i.e. 1,000,000,000,000) like old Brithish English.

To make sure we are talking about the same, here is a snippet of the code:

    } else if (num < INT_MAX) {
      int billions = num / 1000000000;
      num = num % 1000000000;

We are talking of a thousand million, which in spanish is:

"Milmillonésimo" (thousand = mil, millonésimo = million).

From the Royal Academy of Language dictionary:

milmillonésimo, ma.
1. adj. Se dice de cada una de las 1000 millones de partes iguales en que se divide un todo. U. t. c. s.

1. adj. It is said of each of the 1,000 million equal parts into which a whole is divided

billonésimo, ma.
(De billón).
2. adj. Mat. Que ocupa en una serie el lugar al cual preceden otros 999 999 999 999 lugares.

2. adj. Math. Place that occupy in a serie which precede other 999 999 999 999 places

That means in English a Trillion, so in resume a "Billón" in spanish is a Trillion in english and "Milmillonésimo" means a billionth.

French translation seems to be right as it says milliardième, which comes from the word milliard which means milmillonésimo or millardo in spanish therefore, a billion in english. Anyway, someone with proper credentials in french should verify it.
Comments:By: Michael L. Young (elguero) 2014-04-01 17:53:56.831-0500

Rusty - Octavio is correct.  This audio file should say "milmillonésimo" for billionth since more than likely the context has to do with successive numbers and it right now says "billonésimo" which means a trillionth in Spanish.  Yikes!

Just double checked with my authority on the Spanish language (my wife) who is a trained translator :)

Can't speak to the French translation.

By: Octavio Ruiz (tacvbo) 2014-04-01 19:18:36.124-0500

For the record, French translation seems to be right as it says milliardième, which comes from the word milliard which means mil millones (1x10^9) or millardo in spanish therefore, a billion in english. Anyway, someone with proper credentials in french should verify it.

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2014-04-07 09:30:06.630-0500

Thanks for the report. There is currently no one maintaining (providing recordings for) the Spanish sound set, so we can't fix this at the moment. When we do get a new maintainer, we'll have to remember to have them fix this issue as well.

For the French translation, you might E-mail the contact (June Wallack I believe)  in the French sound set license/CREDITS file and ask about it..

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2017-02-15 17:07:42.769-0600

I confirmed we still don't have a Spanish maintainer, so this issue is still in limbo. We can't make progress here until we have a Spanish maintainer.