
Summary:ASTERISK-23607: No parameter to change confbridge encoding for recording s
Reporter:Jonathan White (londonnet)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-04-09 15:06:48Date Closed:2014-04-09 21:55:02
Versions:11.7.0 Frequency of
Environment:Centos 6Attachments:
Description:It looks like confbridge records conferences in G.711 ulaw
All our callers are G.711 alaw
I can't see in the documentation any reference to a parameter to encode recordings in a different codec or matching.
It would be less processor intensive if recording we encoded in the same codec as they are received.
This is also true if you play back recordings at a later stage, a conversion from ulaw to alaw occurs

Is this correct?
Comments:By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2014-04-09 18:00:35.414-0500

No your premiss is not correct.  Confbridge mixes the audio in signed linear format so any channel in the conference is going to have to do translation to/from signed linear.  This includes the recording channel in the confbridge.

You are basically asking for a new feature without supplying a patch to accomplish it.  The issue tracker is not the place to ask for new features.  The asterisk-users or the asterisk-dev list is the place to discuss the feature.

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2014-04-09 21:55:02.345-0500

Please ask questions of this nature on the asterisk-users list. The issue tracker is not a support forum.