
Summary:ASTERISK-23663: Dynamically set MOH for queue
Reporter:Brett Sutton (bsutton)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-04-23 20:00:27Date Closed:2014-05-19 13:10:24
Versions:Feature Tracker Frequency of
Description:We have a patch which allows you to dynamically (via dialplan) set MOH used in a queue on a 'per call' basis.

For large call centres that deal with large no.s of inbound DIDs (think 1000+ DIDs) it is not practical to run 1000+ queues (nor desirable). The issue then is that each of the 1000+ DIDs may need a different on hold message played.
e.g. think of a company that takes messages on behalf of other companies.
As such we need the ability to set the MOH on a per call basis.
This simple patch allows the MOH to be set before a call enters a queue.
Comments:By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2014-04-25 15:42:47.453-0500

Hi Brett, I don't see that you have posted a patch on any of your issues yet. Let me know if you are running into any issues.

The [Code Revew|https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Code+Review] wiki page should cover just about everything you need to know for the code review process, including signing the license agreement that will allow you to post your patches onto this issue tracker.

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2014-05-19 13:10:24.081-0500

Please contact a bug marshal in #asterisk-bugs or #asterisk-dev on irc.freenode.net when you are ready to attach your patches to the issues and we can re-open them. Thanks!