
Summary:ASTERISK-23677: [res_odbc] Syntax error in peer registration
Reporter:Jan Svoboda (jan.svoboda)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-04-27 14:01:55Date Closed:2014-04-28 13:25:45
Versions:12.2.0 Frequency of
is caused byASTERISK-23459 [patch]Incorrect check for key field and NULL column values in update_odbc
duplicatesASTERISK-23675 [patch] Segmentation Fault on first SIP registration using res_config_odbc
Environment:Linux CentOS 6.5 unixODBC 2.2.14-12.el6_3Attachments:
Description:When a peer using SIP realtime registers, the following error is shown:
   -- Registered SIP 'device-name' at
[Apr 27 20:42:49] NOTICE[21939]: chan_sip.c:24130 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'device-name' is now Reachable. (16ms / 2000ms)
[Apr 27 20:42:49] WARNING[21939]: res_odbc.c:655 ast_odbc_prepare_and_execute: SQL Execute returned an error -1: HY000: [unixODBC][SQLite]near "WHERE": syntax error (1) (48)

The SQL query that is being executed:
UPDATE sip_devices SET  WHERE name=E'81'

Also, when reading through the SQL log, noticed the following query:
UPDATE sip_devices SET fullcontact=E'', useragent=E'sip:device-name@^3Bob', regseconds=E'-1' WHERE name=E'Telephone 1.1.4'

The value of the 'name' column in the SQL clause is actually the useragent string, not device name and the useragent being set is not an useragent string.
Comments:By: Michael L. Young (elguero) 2014-04-28 13:17:30.192-0500

Please try the patch on ASTERISK-23675 and report there.