
Summary:ASTERISK-23701: PJSIP Testing: Off-nominal remote destination attended transfers
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-05-01 15:34:42Date Closed:
Status:Open/NewComponents:Resources/res_pjsip Resources/res_pjsip_refer
Versions:Frequency of
Description:h2. Off Nominal

Because the remote attended transfer is similar to a SIP blind transfer, many of the off nominal scenarios are similar in nature.

h3. No external_replaces extension

* Alice sends an INVITE request, Asterisk sends an INVITE request to Bob
* Bob sends a 200 OK to Asterisk, Asterisk sends a 200 OK to Alice
* Alice sends a re-INVITE with restricted media to Asterisk, Asterisk starts playing music on hold to Bob
* Alice sends an INVITE request directly to Charlie; Charlie sends a 200 OK directly to Alice
* Alice sends a REFER request to Asterisk with a Replaces header that refers to the dialog between Alice and Charlie and a Refer-To header for Charlie
* As the external_replaces extension is undefined, Asterisk sends a 404 to the REFER request
* Alice and Bob continue to be bridged