
Summary:ASTERISK-23785: Peer registration not updated in db if asterisk made the registration (proxy)
Reporter:Dr Lous (drlous)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-05-24 19:21:36Date Closed:2014-05-24 23:39:55
Versions:12.2.0 Frequency of
is duplicated byASTERISK-23787 [patch]Update DB when SIP Registration (proxy) come from sippeers table in RealTime environment
Environment:Linux Debian, build from source (tarball from website), Full Realtime environmentAttachments:( 0) debug_sip_register_no_update_db.txt
Description:When I setup a full RealTime environment, I set sip registration (proxy for receive call) with sippeers table.
*Registration is ok* (I receive my call), but db is not updated with ipaddr/port and others stuff, and make problem after (i.e. get context for call, get registration status from db, ...)

Debug attached, sip debug on, core debug on lvl 9, verbose on

*[For help only]*
Related code :
* handle_response_register (chan_sip.c), need to add  update_peer(...) for update in db, but *I don't know how to get peer without name in this case*.
* see register_verify (chan_sip.c) for where registration update db fields (this function is called for phone make registration to asterisk)
Comments:By: Dr Lous (drlous) 2014-05-24 19:23:27.754-0500

Debug output when register to proxy (no mysql or db call for update)

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2014-05-24 23:39:49.372-0500

This is not a bug. Outbound registrations don't update the {{sippeers}} or {{sipregs}} table, nor is that their intent.

Changing this behaviour, where the outbound registration updated some database table, would be a new feature and/or improvement to {{chan_sip}}. If that is something you're interested in doing, the appropriate location to discuss such a feature is on the {{asterisk-dev}} mailing list.