
Summary:ASTERISK-23788: App FollowMe on Realtime
Reporter:Silvio Pianese (silvio.pianese)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-05-26 13:12:12Date Closed:2014-05-26 14:55:52
Versions: Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) Pabx.sql
I set the followme for use with an external database (mysql).
I modified the file extconfig.conf with the following lines:
followme => mysql, general, followme
followme_numbers => mysql, general, followme_numbers

I removed the file ... it restarted the service followme.conf asterisk reload the configuration.
but I have a problem when I try to load the module receiving the following message:

localhost * CLI> module load app_followme.so
Unable to load module app_followme.so
Command 'module load app_followme.so' failed.
[May 26 21:07:00] WARNING [22247]: app_followme.c: 343 reload_followme: No follow me config file (followme.conf), so no follow me
[May 26 21:07:00] WARNING [22247]: app_followme.c: 343 reload_followme: No follow me config file (followme.conf), so no follow me

carry on if the configuration file followme.conf the followme app continues to work properly.
attached tables that I made.
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2014-05-26 14:55:45.422-0500

While FollowMe can use dynamic realtime for certain pieces of data, its configuration still has to be defined - either in a {{.conf}} file or in Stasic realtime. You must either provide either for FollowMe to work.

By: Silvio Pianese (silvio.pianese) 2014-05-27 00:00:23.595-0500

Excuse me then what should be the right configuration to use the followme realtime static, I could not find anything about it?