
Summary:ASTERISK-23815: confbridge sound conf-leaderhasleft not played to end_marked or wait_marked users
Reporter:davide (zecdav)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-06-03 09:31:05Date Closed:
Versions:11.8.1 11.9.0 11.10.0 13.18.4 Frequency of
Environment:Linux Debian 7 Attachments:
Description:When the last marked user leaves the conference, Asterisk console shows:

-- <Bridge/0x1f2f758-input> Playing 'conf-leaderhasleft.slin' (language 'it')

but the sound is not really played (other participants doesn't hear that message)
I have tried to do a playback command with that file and it works properly.
It seems the sound is player in a wrong channel
Comments:By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2014-06-03 11:29:35.207-0500

The sound is played to the bridge itself since it is an announcement to all bridged participants and not specific to a particular user.  Waitmarked users will not hear the announcement because they have either been put into the waiting for a marked user state or kicked from the conference by the leaving marked user.

By: davide (zecdav) 2014-06-04 02:00:05.204-0500

When the last marked user leaves the conference, i think all waitmarked users should listen the message before to be put into the waiting marked user state.
Same should be for the endmarked users, otherwise they are kicked but without to know why.

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2014-06-09 16:55:03.439-0500

I agree with davide that if a user is being kicked or put into a holding state due to a marked user leaving, then they should be able to hear the announcement of that fact. It would be a definite improvement. I'll open it up as a bug since this is probably an oversight, a scenario we just didn't think about.