
Summary:ASTERISK-23822: AMI Originate
Reporter:Roberto (tel.medola)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-06-05 06:11:34Date Closed:2014-06-05 09:13:45
Versions: Frequency of
Description:Hi I am using Asterisk Asterisk with CentOS X86_64 and I'm having trouble returning the events of AMI - > telnet .
When I do a telnet originate using the events that it returns are all generated originate and not just what I'm working on. It hinders the interpretation of events cause you to lose some returns .

I am using the following commands .
To connect :

Action : login
Username: user
Secret : password
Async : true
Events : On

To make a originate :

Action : Originate
Channel : @ Local/33268035 standard
Codecs : alaw , gsm , ulaw
CallerID : 33268035
MaxRetries : 1
RetryTime : 10
WaitTime : 15
Context : filapreditivo_AMD
Priority : 1
AlwaysDelete : yes
Async : true
ActionID : 123
Variable : IDERP = 23
Variable : ROW = filapred
Variable : IDFILA = 2
Variable : = IDAGENDA
Variable : IDSPOOL = 123
Variable : IDFILAINTERNA = 123

If I make another originate ( another number ) , returns the telent also comes with this other number .
Somehow the asterisk would send only the return of this issue in this telnet session ? Could anyone help me please?

PS : I'm upgrading to Asterisk 11 , but so does he.

Thank you very much .
Roberto .
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2014-06-05 09:13:59.966-0500

Thanks for your comments. This does not appear to be a bug report and we are closing it. We appreciate the difficulties you are facing, but it would make more sense to raise your question in the support tracker, http://www.asterisk.org/support.