
Summary:ASTERISK-23900: Testsuite: Nominal tests for Authenticate with AstDB integration
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-06-17 10:55:39Date Closed:2014-12-12 06:56:03.000-0600
Status:Closed/CompleteComponents:Applications/app_authenticate Tests/testsuite
Versions:Frequency of
Description:Using the {{apptest}} pluggable module, write tests that verifies nominal authentication scenarios using the [Authenticate|https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Application_Authenticate] dialplan application and its various AstDB integration options:

h1. Test One - Authentication using a DB password

Write a test that performs the following:
# Using the DB function, add an entry to the Asterisk database under "authenticate_test/1234"
# A channel enters into the {{Authenticate}} application. The application should be passed the {{authenticate_test}} key as the 'password', with an option of {{d}} to query the database.
# The channel should provide the application the DTMF digits for the password ({{1234}}) along with a terminating {{#}}.
# The channel should exit out of the {{Authenticate}} application and continue to the next priority. A UserEvent should be emitted indicating success.

h1. Test Two - Authentication using a DB password with delete option

Write a test that performs the following:
# Using the DB function, add an entry to the Asterisk database under "authenticate_test/5678"
# A channel enters into the {{Authenticate}} application. The application should be passed the {{authenticate_test}} key as the 'password', with an option of {{d}} and {{r}} to query the database and delete upon retrieval.
# The channel should provide the application the DTMF digits for the password ({{5678}}) along with a terminating {{#}}.
# The channel should exit out of the {{Authenticate}} application and continue to the next priority.
# Use the DB function to verify that the entry {{authenticate_test/5678}} no longer exists.
# A UserEvent should be emitted indicating success.