
Summary:ASTERISK-23950: DYNAMIC_FEATURES maximum length
Reporter:Chris Maciejewski (chris-mac)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-06-26 07:08:39Date Closed:2014-06-26 20:43:55
Versions:11.8.1 Frequency of
duplicatesASTERISK-20680 Increase the buffer for dynamic feature
Environment:Debian 7 x64Attachments:
Description:It seems there is a maximum length of DYNAMIC_FEATURES variable somewhere around 135 characters.

== How to reproduce ==

in features.conf create 100 entries such as:

s1 => #801,self/callee,Macro(MyMacro,801)
sN => #8NN,self/callee,Macro(MyMacro,8NN)
s99 => #899,self/callee,Macro(MyMacro,899)

in your extensions.conf add:

exten => _X.,n,Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=s1#s2#s3#s4#s5#s6#s7#s8#s9#s10#s11#s12#s13#s14#s15#s16#s17#s18#s19#s20#s21#s22#s23#s24#s25#s26#s27#s28#s29#s30#s31#s32#s33#s34#s35#s36#s37#s38#s39#s40#s41#s42#s43#s44#s45#s46#s47#s48#s49#s50#s51#s52#s53#s54#s55#s56#s57#s58#s59#s60#s61#s62#s63#s64#s65#s66#s67#s68#s69#s70#s71#s72#s73#s74#s75#s76#s77#s78#s79#s80#s81#s82#s83#s84#s85#s86#s87#s88#s89#s90#s91#s92#s93#s94#s95#s96#s97#s98#s99)

please a call and press #801, #802... DTMF, only rang between 801 - 833 will work.

Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2014-06-26 07:47:54.230-0500

While this would certainly be a limitation of {{DYNAMIC_FEATURES}}, it would hardly be a "bug". Adding 100 DTMF key sequences for various features is rather ... rare. You could be running afoul of a large number of length limitations - anywhere from a variable evaluation in {{features}}, to line length limits in the dialplan. Expanding the capabilities of the variable evaluation would be an improvement, but not a critically necessary one.

Given the rarity of someone attempting to do what you are doing, I would suggest providing a patch for this improvement.

By: Michael L. Young (elguero) 2014-06-26 20:24:48.994-0500

Or you can try out Asterisk 12 or wait until Asterisk 13 is out :)  This limitation was removed by way of ASTERISK-20680.

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2014-06-26 20:44:16.113-0500

Thanks for finding that Michael :-)

Closing out as a duplicate of ASTERISK-20680.