
Summary:ASTERISK-23973: testsuite: Add test rest_api/channels/ring
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-07-01 09:02:39Date Closed:2014-07-11 10:15:28
Status:Closed/CompleteComponents:Resources/res_ari Tests/testsuite
Versions:12.3.2 Frequency of
Description:This improvement to the testsuite is to add a test for the {{ring}} operation in the channels resource. The test should:

# Originate a channel into a Stasis application. The channel's state should not be modified - that is, it should be unanswered and no indications should be made on the channel.
# Use the {{POST /channels/ring}} operation to start a ringing operation on the channel. Verify that the channel's state changes in ARI and AMI.
# Use the {{DELETE /channels/ring}} operation to end the ringing operation on the channel. Verify that the channel's state changes in ARI and AMI.
# Hang up the channel!
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2014-07-11 10:15:22.736-0500

Unfortunately, this is rather hard to test.

# When a channel is not in a Stasis application, you can't change its state.
# When a channel is in Stasis, it generally is already in a state of Ringing.
# For Local channels, when you Answer the ;2 side (Ringing => Up), the ;1 side goes from a state of Down => Up. Hence, while you can indicate ringing and verify it manually, you can't verify that a POST /ring actually does what you want.
