
Summary:ASTERISK-24082: Ensure AMI connections are torn down
Reporter:Kinsey Moore (kmoore)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-07-21 09:01:16Date Closed:2014-11-04 07:44:02.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
is related toASTERISK-24378 Release AMI connections on shutdown
Environment:Any testsuite test that makes an AMI connection.Attachments:( 0) ami_test_cleanup.diff
Description:Asterisk currently leaks references on shutdown when AMI connections are still open which pollutes reference logs generated by the testsuite. The attached patch cleans up known AMI connections before shutting down Asterisk for each test that runs.

This change causes several badly-written tests to fail because they were already running on the hairy edge in terms of getting AMI messages out of Asterisk just before shutdown. These tests need to be fixed.

There are also tests which overwrite self.ami with an AMI instance which need to be fixed.
Comments:By: Kinsey Moore (kmoore) 2014-07-21 09:01:48.465-0500

Attached AMI cleanup patch.

By: Corey Farrell (coreyfarrell) 2014-11-04 06:59:20.653-0600

Sorry I didn't see this bug when I posted ASTERISK-24378, but I believe this issue is fixed.  Instead of having the testsuite close AMI connections I had manager.c handle it during shutdown.  This way connections are closed because it's no longer possible for new events to be sent.