
Summary:ASTERISK-24113: Can't input Chinese in Asterisk console (context name contains Chinese characters)
Reporter:LiuYan刘研 (lovetide)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-07-24 12:40:43Date Closed:2014-07-24 14:30:20
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Server OS: CentOS 6.5 Asterisk: 11.11.0 Client OS: Fedora 20 Client Terminal: mate-terminal 1.6.2Attachments:
Description:I have a context which contains Chinese characters (UTF-8 encoded) in extensions.conf.

The context name works fine in dialplan. But if I want to originate a call from asterisk console, but I can't type the Chinese context name, such as:
channel originate SIP/liu extension s@防忽悠咨询热线
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2014-07-24 14:30:21.008-0500

I'm sorry, but Asterisk does not understand UTF-8/UTF-16 characters in a large number of places, nor does it claim to be able to do so.

While such a feature may be highly desirable, it would require sweeping changes and improvements to all of Asterisk. I don't see that occurring in released branches, and would require a patch before it would be considered as a possible issue to address.