
Summary:ASTERISK-24165: [patch]Asterisk crashes if DAHDI mfcr2 channel is destroyed while in a call
Reporter:Tzafrir Cohen (tzafrir)Labels:patch
Date Opened:2014-08-06 06:17:17Date Closed:
Versions:SVN 13.18.4 Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) dahdi_mfcr2_in_call_crash.patch
Description:I'm trying to work on disconnecting and reconnecting DAHDI MFC/R2 spans. This issue handles the simples form: manually destroying a channel while it is in a call. If it is not in a call, nothing seems to be wrong. If it is in a call, it crashes due to a segmentation fault. The attatched patch fixes the symptoms.

To reproduce:

1. Configure a DAHDI channel (say, 3) as an mfcr2 channel
2. Start a call through it.
3. From the CLI, destroy it:  dahdi destroy channel 3 3

Asterisk crashes immediately.
Comments:By: Tzafrir Cohen (tzafrir) 2014-08-06 06:18:11.043-0500

A basic fix for the symptoms

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2014-08-07 15:38:15.233-0500

Feel free to throw it on reviewboard! Thanks Tzafrir!