
Summary:ASTERISK-24279: Documentation: Clarify the behaviour of the CDR property 'unanswered'
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-08-28 07:59:58Date Closed:2014-11-14 11:43:51.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
is related toASTERISK-24016 CDR logs multiple unanswered devices despite unanswered=no
Description:Currently, the documentation of the 'unanswered' option is lacking in {{cdr.conf}}, and conflicts with itself:

; Define whether or not to log unanswered calls. Setting this to "yes" will
; report every attempt to ring a phone in dialing attempts, when it was not
; answered. For example, if you try to dial 3 extensions, and this option is "yes",
; you will get 3 CDR's, one for each phone that was rung. Default is "no". Some
; find this information horribly useless. Others find it very valuable. Note, in "yes"
; mode, you will see one CDR, with one of the call targets on one side, and the originating
; channel on the other, and then one CDR for each channel attempted. This may seem
; redundant, but cannot be helped.
; In brief, this option controls the reporting of unanswered calls which only have an A
; party. Calls which get offered to an outgoing line, but are unanswered, are still
; logged, and that is the intended behaviour. (It also results in some B side CDRs being
; output, as they have the B side channel as their source channel, and no destination
; channel.)
;unanswered = no

The first paragraph is wrong, the second needs to be explained better.

On the 12 spec wiki, there is a dead link to a "This is what Unanswered" means. That section needs to be updated.