
Summary:ASTERISK-24298: CLONE - option allowexternaldomains behavior changed between release versions
Reporter:Nathan Thomas (royalpublishing)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-09-04 11:19:39Date Closed:2014-09-04 13:56:38
Versions:11.5.1 11.12.0 Frequency of
is the original version of this clone:ASTERISK-22632 option allowexternaldomains behavior changed between release versions
Environment:Ubuntu 14.04Attachments:( 0) full_NOK
( 1) full_OK
( 2) sip.conf

It seems that the behavior of allowexternaldomains=yes change from 11.4 to 11.5.1

For example with asterisk 11.4 with sip.conf settings :
; sip domain settings
autodomain = yes
; sip-to-sip security related settings
allowexternaldomains = yes

No problem to register from a 1.8.13 asterisk from a non local domain

But with 11.5.1 with same settings :
I've got in CLI :
[Oct  2 09:11:46] NOTICE[2315]: chan_sip.c:27919 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:antoine@;transport=UDP>' failed for '' - Not a local domain

Comments:By: Nathan Thomas (royalpublishing) 2014-09-04 11:20:53.363-0500

This is still a problem in version 11.12.0. If you have allowexternaldomains=yes then you receive the "Not a local domain" error message even if you have hard coded the external domain in sip.conf and said domain shows up in the CLI under "sip show domains". It appears that allowexternaldomains option doesn't work whatsoever.

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2014-09-04 13:56:39.040-0500

Do *not* clone issues. This makes a mess of the issue tracker.

In the future, please just contact a bug-marshal in #asterisk-bugs or comment on the issue that you'd like re-opened.

By: Nathan Thomas (royalpublishing) 2014-10-14 09:21:42.619-0500

My apologies Matt, I am new to the board and wasn't familiar with the proper procedures. I think the problem I was having stemmed from DNS resolution issues on the local network at a new office site. If the local domain name isn't resolvable via DNS, it appears to cause the problem I was alluding to.