
Summary:ASTERISK-24321: SIP deadlock when running automated queues tests
Reporter:Steve Pitts (spitts)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-09-11 16:48:33Date Closed:2014-10-14 13:51:46
Status:Closed/CompleteComponents:Channels/chan_sip/General General
Versions:13.0.0-beta1 Frequency of
Environment:Asterisk SVN-branch-13-r422905 Digium Phone Module for Asterisk Version 13.0_2.1.0-rc1 Attachments:( 0) backtrace-20140911-162040.txt
( 1) locks_output.txt
Description:when running asterisk_queue_test_two, the sequence of tests which exercise joinempty and leavewhenempty always cause SIP to deadlock. I.E., all phones become unregistered and no calls can be placed. I don't know the exact cause just yet.
Comments:By: Steve Pitts (spitts) 2014-09-11 16:56:38.769-0500

This backtrace taken when SIP gets deadlocked

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2014-09-11 17:52:34.069-0500

Can you provide 'core show locks' output as well?

By: Steve Pitts (spitts) 2014-09-12 10:26:41.771-0500

[Edit by Rusty - Removing and attaching core show locks output as .txt]