
Summary:ASTERISK-24387: res_pjsip: rport sent from UAS MUST include the port that the UAC sent the request on
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-10-03 04:48:00Date Closed:2014-10-10 07:11:00
Versions:12.6.0 13.0.0-beta2 Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) ASTERISK-24387-log.txt
Description:When {{force_rport=Yes}} and a request is received without an rport, Asterisk will respond with an {{rport}} parameter in the top-most {{Via}} header without a specified port. Arguably, every response from the UAS should specify the port with the {{rport}} parameter:

When a server compliant to this specification (which can be a proxy
  or UAS) receives a request, it examines the topmost Via header field
  value.  If this Via header field value contains an "rport" parameter
  with no value, it MUST set the value of the parameter to the source
  port of the request.

Now, since there *was* no {{rport}} in the request, this is a bit murky. On the other hand, we probably should always provide the port with the {{rport}}, as this is more specific (and a bit more clear) than simply responding with {{rport}} and nothing else.

A sample rejected call flow by the client is attached to the issue.