
Summary:ASTERISK-24431: Inconsistent in "QueueMember" event of "QueueStatus" action
Reporter:Dafi Ni (dafi)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-10-17 05:30:34Date Closed:2014-10-28 09:47:21
Status:Closed/CompleteComponents:Applications/app_queue Core/ManagerInterface
Versions:12.6.0 13.0.0-beta1 Frequency of
Description:"QueueMember" event of "QueueStatus" action returns:
* QueueMemberAdded
* QueueMemberPause
* QueueMemberPaused
* QueueMemberPenalty
* QueueMemberRemoved
* QueueMemberRinginuse
* QueueMemberStatus

related: ASTERISK-24429
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2014-10-28 09:47:16.413-0500

Unfortunately, we cannot update this event. Doing so would be a breaking change. Generally, we would only update this event if:
# It was done in a major new version of Asterisk, preferably a Standard release
# It was done in conjunction with a large number of other improvements

I've made a page on the Asterisk wiki to document inconsistencies:


If a new major version of the AMI API is made, this change can be rolled in at that time. As that is not currently planned, I'm going to go ahead and suspend this issue.

By: Dafi Ni (dafi) 2014-10-29 03:54:29.289-0500

For me braking change is rename "Location" to "Interface" without notification as in ASTERISK-24429 :).

To avoid such a braking change  in accordance with :
The supported events for Asterisk 12 are listed here:
Asterisk 12 AMI Events
While new AMI Events may be added over the lifetime of Asterisk 12, existing AMI Events will not be removed.
Fields may be added to an existing AMI event without altering the AMI version number, but existing fields will not be removed."

I suggest:
* adding the parameter "Interface" with a value of "Location"
* leave the "Location" in its original form,
* designation in documentation "Location" as deprecated

If this is OK i will try write patch