
Summary:ASTERISK-24547: CLONE - Make clean break build
Reporter:Badalian Vyacheslav (slavon)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-11-22 06:26:13.000-0600Date Closed:2014-11-23 19:49:56.000-0600
Status:Closed/CompleteComponents:Channels/chan_sip/General Channels/chan_sip/WebSocket
Versions:11.13.1 Frequency of
is the original version of this clone:ASTERISK-24460 Make clean break build
Description:If you try "make clean" and "make all" ICE support in SIP is broke.

Fix is: delete dir, untar and
make install

Comments:By: Badalian Vyacheslav (slavon) 2014-11-22 06:26:30.706-0600

I was add reproduce path

By: Badalian Vyacheslav (slavon) 2014-11-22 06:27:04.044-0600

all libs installed and all is ok.
If i compile code and install it - ICE is work normal and all is ok. But if i do some changes in menuselect like compiller options or system have havy update or i do "make clean" and recompile again with "make clean" - ICE does not work. Looks like "make clean" delete some needed files in pjproject and recompile does not help. And i not see recompile pjproject files after MAKE CLEAN.
I not try do ./configure again - may be its help. But simple real situation broke ICE support. I lost more then 4 hours to detect where is bug.
1. configure
2. make
3. make install
4. All work normal. ICE is in RTP.
5. make menuselect. Add some modules and compiller flags to debug.
6. make clean. Why? Hmm... gcc some times do strange  Clean build is good)
7. Run asterisk. - RTP does not have ICE.
8. drop SRC folder, untar SRC
9. configure
10. make menuselect. Add some modules and compiller flags to debug
11. make
12. make install
13. All work normal. ICE is in RTP.
Also some times if i compile with -j like -j20 ICE is also broke... Maybe linker bug?

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2014-11-23 19:49:56.226-0600

Please do not clone issues. This makes a mess of the issue tracker, as we end up with multiple issues with the same names - and people who are looking at issues end up reporting things in different locations.

Commenting on an issue is sufficient - or you always ask to have something re-opened in #asterisk-bugs. I've re-opened the original issue. Please provide the instructions on that issue.