
Summary:ASTERISK-24611: TestSuite: Write External Bridging test for Stasis (two channel) interactions
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-12-12 07:34:26.000-0600Date Closed:2015-02-12 10:53:55.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Description:*Note*: For reference information, see the [Test Plan|https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=30279826] on the Asterisk wiki.

h1. 2.5 Both channels in Stasis Bridge, Same Stasis Application

* Alice dials a Stasis application
** _Stasis should emit a StasisStart event for Alice's channel._
* The Stasis application adds Alice to a bridge.
* Bob dials the same Stasis application.
** _Stasis should emit a StasisStart for Bob's channel._
* The Stasis application adds Bob to the same bridge as Alice.
* The AMI bridge action is used to bridge Alice and Bob.
** _Stasis should emit a StasisEnd for Alice and Bob._
* Bob hangs up.
** _Alice should not re-enter Stasis._
* Destroy the Stasis bridge.

This test should be implemented in {{tests/rest_api/external_interaction/ami_bridge/stasis_bridge/two_channel_same_stasis_app}}

h1. 2.6 Both channels in Stasis Bridge, Different Stasis Application

* Alice dials Stasis application A
** _Stasis should emit a StasisStart event for Alice's channel, application A._
* Stasis application A adds Alice to a bridge.
* Bob dials Stasis application B.
** _Stasis should emit a StasisStart for Bob's channel, application B._
* Stasis application B adds Bob to a bridge.
* The AMI bridge action is used to bridge Alice and Bob.
** _Stasis should emit a StasisEnd for Alice, application A_
** _Stasis should emit a StasisEnd for Bob, application B_
* Bob hangs up.
** _Alice should not re-enter Stasis._
* Destroy the Stasis bridge in application A.
* Destroy the Stasis bridge in application B.

This test should be implemented in {{tests/rest_api/external_interaction/ami_bridge/stasis_bridge/two_channel_diff_stasis_app}}

h1. 2.7 Both channels in Same Stasis application

* Alice dials a Stasis application
** _Stasis should emit a StasisStart event for Alice's channel._
* Bob dials the same Stasis application.
** _Stasis should emit a StasisStart for Bob's channel._
* The AMI bridge action is used to bridge Alice and Bob.
** _Stasis should emit a StasisEnd for Alice and Bob._
* Bob hangs up.
** _Alice should not re-enter Stasis._

*Note*: The existing test {{tests/rest_api/external_interaction/ami_bridge/stasis_app}} should be renamed to {{tests/rest_api/external_interaction/ami_bridge/stasis_app/non_stasis_app}}

This test should be implemented in {{tests/rest_api/external_interaction/ami_bridge/stasis_app/two_channel_same_stasis_app}}

h1. 2.8 Both channels in Different Stasis applications

* Alice dials Stasis application A
** _Stasis should emit a StasisStart event for Alice's channel, application A._
* Bob dials Stasis application B.
** _Stasis should emit a StasisStart for Bob's channel, application B._
* The AMI bridge action is used to bridge Alice and Bob.
** _Stasis should emit a StasisEnd for Alice, application A_
** _Stasis should emit a StasisEnd for Bob, application B_
* Bob hangs up.
** _Alice should not re-enter Stasis._

This test should be implemented in {{tests/rest_api/external_interaction/ami_bridge/stasis_app/two_channel_diff_stasis_app}}
Comments:By: John Bigelow (jbigelow) 2015-02-12 10:53:36.651-0600

Committed revision 6389.