Summary: | ASTERISK-24634: cdr_adaptive_odbc fails to enter data in db | ||
Reporter: | Yuriy Gorlichenko (ovoshlook) | Labels: | |
Date Opened: | 2014-12-22 05:30:17.000-0600 | Date Closed: | 2015-01-06 12:44:03.000-0600 |
Priority: | Major | Regression? | |
Status: | Closed/Complete | Components: | CDR/cdr_adaptive_odbc |
Versions: | 12.6.0 12.8.0 | Frequency of Occurrence | |
Related Issues: | |||
Environment: | ubuntu 14.04 | Attachments: | |
Description: | Hello! I already wrote at irc about problem with cdr_adaptive_odbc connection to database. This issue still lives at my instanses 12.6.0 and 12.8.0-rc2:
When I do core reload cdr_adaptive_odbc sucessfully reads by parcer but no colums printed. And when I try to call- no entries to save cdr to database. But it not aconnection to database problem because if I change alias start parameter at cdr_adaptive_odbc file to id - I see error about dublicate entry. Connection to the database works fine because I use realtime dialplan to rhe same database. my odbc.ini [asterisk-connector] Driver = MySQL Database = production Server = Port = 3213 Username = cdbun Password = cdbpass Socket = /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf [production] connection=production table=asterisk_db_cdr alias start => calldate cdr set debug on 0x351be38 - Processing Dial End message for channel SIP/kamailio1-0000000d, peer SIP/peer1-0000000e 0x351be38 - Transitioning CDR for SIP/kamailio1-0000000d from state Dial to DialedPending 0x351be38 - Set answered time to 1419221504.112213 -- Channel SIP/kamailio1-0000000d joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <c9511b08-68ed-413b-acf1-9ac412d691ef> Bridge Enter message for channel SIP/kamailio1-0000000d: 1419221504.00113051 0x351be38 - Updating Party A SIP/kamailio1-0000000d snapshot 0x351be38 - Processing bridge enter for SIP/kamailio1-0000000d 0x351be38 - Transitioning CDR for SIP/kamailio1-0000000d from state DialedPending to Dial 0x351be38 - Transitioning CDR for SIP/kamailio1-0000000d from state Dial to Bridged -- Channel SIP/peer1-0000000e joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <c9511b08-68ed-413b-acf1-9ac412d691ef> Bridge Enter message for channel SIP/peer1-0000000e: 1419221504.00113660 0x33d0e98 - Updating Party A SIP/peer1-0000000e snapshot 0x33d0e98 - Processing bridge enter for SIP/peer1-0000000e 0x33d0e98 - Transitioning CDR for SIP/peer1-0000000e from state Single to Bridged 0x351be38 - Party A SIP/kamailio1-0000000d has new Party B SIP/peer1-0000000e -- Channel SIP/peer1-0000000e left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <c9511b08-68ed-413b-acf1-9ac412d691ef> Bridge Leave message for SIP/peer1-0000000e: 1419221506.00272169 0x33d0e98 - Processing Bridge Leave for SIP/peer1-0000000e 0x33d0e98 - Transitioning CDR for SIP/peer1-0000000e from state Bridged to Finalized -- Channel SIP/kamailio1-0000000d left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <c9511b08-68ed-413b-acf1-9ac412d691ef> Bridge Leave message for SIP/kamailio1-0000000d: 1419221506.00272261 0x351be38 - Processing Bridge Leave for SIP/kamailio1-0000000d 0x351be38 - Transitioning CDR for SIP/kamailio1-0000000d from state Bridged to Finalized == Spawn extension (external.dial, 123456789, 16) exited non-zero on 'SIP/kamailio1-0000000d' -- Executing [h@external.dial:1] Hangup("SIP/kamailio1-0000000d", "") in new stack == Spawn extension (external.dial, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/kamailio1-0000000d' 0x351be38 - Beginning finalize/dispatch for SIP/kamailio1-0000000d 0x351be38 - Dispatching CDR for Party A SIP/kamailio1-0000000d, Party B SIP/peer1-0000000e 0x33d0e98 - Beginning finalize/dispatch for SIP/peer1-0000000e 0x33d0e98 - Dispatching CDR for Party A SIP/peer1-0000000e, Party B <none> | ||
Comments: | By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2014-12-22 18:28:51.349-0600 Asterisk 12 is now Security Fix only. Can you reproduce the issue in the latest version of Asterisk 13? Can you provide an Asterisk full log showing when the issue occurs? Follow the instructions here: By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2015-01-06 12:43:55.460-0600 Suspended due to lack of activity. Please request a bug marshal in #asterisk-bugs on the IRC network to reopen the issue should you have the additional information requested. Further information can be found at |