
Summary:ASTERISK-24756: ConfBridge sound_muted does not work from CLI or AMI
Reporter:Thomas Frederiksen (ToMMeR)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-02-03 15:03:06.000-0600Date Closed:2017-12-18 12:16:42.000-0600
Versions:11.15.1 Frequency of
Description:I have tried to specify sounds to be played when a user is muted or unmuted in a ConfBridge conference like shown below.

ConfBridge does however only play the sounds if it is the user mutes or unmutes himself by using the "toggle_mute" Conference Menu option.
If i mute or unmute the user using the "ConfbridgeMute" or "ConfbridgeUnmute" AMI actions, or the "confbridge mute" or "confbridge unmute" CLI options, then the sounds are not played to the user telling him that he has been muted or unmuted.

Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2015-02-06 16:04:03.529-0600

I'm not entirely sure this isn't how it was intended, but I can see it being confusing.

Currently, the prompt is only played back if you go through the action menu. If you mute/unmute the user through the CLI/AMI, you'll go through the {{generic_mute_unmute_user}} function, which does not play back the prompt.

At the very least, it sounds like this is an oversight. The documentation of {{sound_muted}} and {{sound_unmuted}} doesn't make it clear that this only happens when the user hits the DTMF key:

;sound_muted  ; The sound played when the mute option it toggled on.
;sound_unmuted  ; The sound played when the mute option it toggled off.

By: Thomas Frederiksen (ToMMeR) 2015-02-07 14:59:58.568-0600

Thanks for clearing that up.

It would however be very useful if this feature also worked when muting and unmuting from AMI.
I am using Asterisk as part of a conferencing system where the conferences usually only have one "speaker" and a lot of "listeners" (who are muted when they join).
Sometimes a single listener needs to say something, and the speaker/admin will unmute that single person from a website using AMI.
In this scenario it helps a lot if the user who is unmuted hears a sound so that he knows he has been unmuted and everyone else can hear him.

By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2017-12-18 12:16:43.691-0600

Change 7622 merged by Joshua Colp:
confbridge: Clarify mute sound documentation.


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2017-12-18 12:22:56.918-0600

Change 7623 merged by Jenkins2:
confbridge: Clarify mute sound documentation.


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2017-12-18 12:26:40.496-0600

Change 7624 merged by Joshua Colp:
confbridge: Clarify mute sound documentation.
