
Summary:ASTERISK-24764: AMI event notification of linkedid propagation
Reporter:John Bigelow (jbigelow)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-02-06 08:51:59.000-0600Date Closed:
Versions:SVN 13.1.1 Frequency of
Environment:Asterisk branches 13Attachments:( 0) full.txt
Description:There is a situation where the linkedid of the BRIDGE_ENTER CEL event isn't what is expected due to how and when linkedid propagation occurs. It's expected that at least one of the two BRIDGER_ENTER CEL events would have a linkedid containing the channel ID of the other channel it has been bridged with. There is not any further CEL AMI events that indicate the change when the propagation occurs. The situation is as follows and the attached log demonstrates it:

* 'alice' enters Stasis(App_A).
* 'bob' enters Stasis(App_B).
* AMI {{Bridge}} action is executed with alice as channel1 and bob as channel2.
* bob enters the bridge *first* (usually alice enters first). The {{linkedid}} of the BRIDGER_ENTER CEL event for bob is *bob*.
* alice enters the bridge *second*. The {{linkedid}} of the BRIDGER_ENTER CEL event for alice is *alice*.