
Summary:ASTERISK-24781: PJSIP: Unnecessary 180 Ringing messages sent with undesireabe consequences.
Reporter:Richard Mudgett (rmudgett)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-02-11 18:09:41.000-0600Date Closed:2015-03-24 14:27:43
Versions:13.2.0 Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) jira_asterisk_24781_v13_example.patch
Description:Incoming PJSIP call legs that have not been answered yet send unnecessary {{180 Ringing}} messages every time a connected line update happens.  If the outgoing channel is also PJSIP then the incoming channel will always send a {{180 Ringing}} message when the outgoing channel sends the INVITE.

Consequences of these unnecessary {{180 Ringing}} messages:
* The caller can start hearing ringback before the far end even gets the call.
* Many phones tend to grab the first connected line information and refuse to update the display if it changes.  The first information is not likely to be correct if the call goes to an endpoint not under the control of the first Asterisk box.

When connected line first went into Asterisk in v1.8, {{chan_sip}} received an undocumented option {{rpid_immediate}} that defaults to {{disabled}}.  When enabled, the option immediately passes connected line update information to the caller in {{180 Ringing}} messages as described above.