
Summary:ASTERISK-24824: chan_sip: Asterisk fails to re-activate an inactive media session when an offer does not contain a=sendrecv
Reporter:Ashley Sanders (asanders)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-02-23 15:21:29.000-0600Date Closed:2015-03-02 22:17:38.000-0600
Versions: 11.15.1 Frequency of
Description:1. From Phone A, send an offer to Phone B to establish a call
2. From Phone B, send an offer to Phone A to put the call on hold.
3. Observe that the MOH start event occurs.
4. From Phone B, send an offer to Phone A to 'un-hold' the call (ensure that the direction attribute from the offer's SDP is omitted)
5. Observe that the MOH stop event never occurs.

This is not the anticipated state. If no direction attribute is present in an offer SDP, the direction of the media stream is expected to default to "sendrecv", which should have caused the MOH stop event to occur.

According to RFC 4566 (Section 6. SDP Attributes): "If none of the attributes "sendonly", "recvonly", "inactive", and "sendrecv" is present, "sendrecv" SHOULD be assumed as the default for sessions that are not of the conference type "broadcast" or "H332" [...]"

Comments:By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2015-02-24 09:08:24.638-0600

Does this happen in 11 or 13?

1.8 is in Security Fix Only : https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Versions

I'm also curious, what phone or SIP user agent did this originally occur with?

By: Rudi (rudolf) 2016-07-14 09:45:36.914-0500

Hi. We have still this issue present in version 11.20.0 - is there any roadmap when this issue will be solved? We have this issue while calling to Broadworks clients.

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2016-07-14 09:48:51.169-0500

[~rudolf] Please open a new issue with all available information including SIP traces.