
Summary:ASTERISK-24849: AMI bridge command fails - ast_bridge_add_channel() function needs to check that the channel is not only in a bridge but that the bridge will allow channels to be moved from it.
Reporter:Abhay Gupta (agupta)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-03-05 06:16:20.000-0600Date Closed:2017-12-22 00:26:37.000-0600
Status:Closed/CompleteComponents:Applications/app_confbridge Core/Bridging
Versions:13.2.0 Frequency of
Environment:Ubuntu 14.04 with asterisk 13.2 with PJSIP channels .Attachments:( 0) asteriskevents.txt
Description:When we issue a AMI bridge action , once the channels are already in a confbridge

Action: Bridge
channel1: PJSIP/2002-00000029
channel2: PJSIP/VoIP1-0000002a
ActionID: java.util.Random@27b5bf04

It gives us error --------

Response: Error
ActionID: java.util.Random@27b5bf04
Message: Unable to add Channel1 to bridge: PJSIP/2002-00000029

All the events are shown in the log file
Comments:By: Abhay Gupta (agupta) 2015-03-05 06:18:23.485-0600

These are events from when the channels goes in confbridge and when AMI bridge is issued to merge two channels and that lead to action failure , instead of bridge .

By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2015-03-06 12:43:01.238-0600

I can confirm that this is a problem.  The {{ast_bridge_add_channel()}} function needs to check that the channel is not only in a bridge but that the bridge will allow channels to be moved from it.  The {{ConfBridge}} application protects its channels so well from the rest of the system that the channels must be considered as not in a bridge.  (See ASTERISK-21271)

The {{chan_bridge->feature_flags}} in {{ast_bridge_add_channel()}} needs to be checked for {{AST_BRIDGE_FLAG_MASQUERADE_ONLY}}.

By: Abhay Gupta (agupta) 2017-12-22 00:26:38.198-0600

Used ARI bridges to workaround this problem