
Summary:ASTERISK-24901: OOH323 get UUI information
Reporter:Cyril CONSTANTIN (dose)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-03-22 07:52:49Date Closed:
Versions:11.16.0 13.18.4 Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) avaya_config.jpg
( 1) ServiceProvider.cap
( 2) shared.jpg
( 3) uui.jpg
( 4) UUIfromAvayatoAsterisk-550FD5D9106970D4.pcap
Description:Hi team,
I would like to know if there is a way to get UUI field into OOH323 as it doesn't looks to be decoded by OOH323 stack.

I'm currently having one Avaya sending it to Asterisk over OOH323 and I just need having Asterisk sending it back to Avaya like pass through method without changing anything on the UUI field.

I've activated h323 debug but there is nothing displayed on H323 logs, even if I can see with wireshark UUI transmitted to Asterisk by Avaya.

I would like to continue to use H323 without moving to ISDN just for getting UUI field if possible.

Thanks a lot for your help guys.

Best Regards

Comments:By: Alexander Anikin (may213) 2015-03-22 15:15:18.509-0500

Hi Cyril,

Could you attach some caps where I can see this field and specify what field and values you mean for that caps?

By: Cyril CONSTANTIN (dose) 2015-03-23 04:31:22.886-0500

Hi Alexander,
As requested you'll find UUI displayed in Frame 6 when Setup is message is sent by Avaya to Asterisk, please search for 550FD5D9106970D4 in Q.931 user-user part.
Thanks for your support.
Best Regards.

By: Alexander Anikin (may213) 2015-03-23 08:25:42.982-0500


I see user-user IE that contain UUID call info.
Btw, Wireshark decode wrong this IE, i guess due to he don't known UUIE with type 4.
There are no IEs  with type 0x2E and 0x30 really, only one UUIE with length 0x2e (46) and type 4.
I think this type IE is avaya's proprietary and i can't find his description but i'll try to find.
We can decode this IE generic way and put his raw content into channel variable in hexdump or base64 format. Then it can be processed by dialplan commands.

By: Cyril CONSTANTIN (dose) 2015-03-23 09:22:13.006-0500

Hi Alexander,

Previous capture sent was with Avaya trunk configured with "UUI IE Treatment" to "shared", I made another capture in attachment with "UUI IE treatment" to "service-provider" as you'll see both have different "User-User" info length, it could be great to support both. Indeed it's certainly H323 Avaya proprietary stuff. Check frame 4 in the .cap

It would be perfect if we can get it through channel variable and display into Dial Plan.

My call are coming through Avaya and passed to Asterisk (with UUI), I'm doing some check on caller and send it back to Avaya, so I would need to forward Avaya UUI to Avaya through same trunk. I don't expect to modify the UUI or maybe at least just display it in my Dial Plan with help to channel variable.

Thanks a lot for your support !

Best Regards

By: Cyril CONSTANTIN (dose) 2015-03-31 06:43:47.798-0500

Hi Alexander,

Just to know if you expect to do a patch in order for me to try that or if you expect to include that directly into next Asterisk release ?

Thanks a lot for your help.

Best Regards

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2017-12-18 09:12:34.370-0600

[~may213] Hi Alexander - are you still working on this? Did it slip off your radar? Just checking in as I'm doing some clean up.

By: Cyril CONSTANTIN (dose) 2017-12-18 11:46:30.029-0600

Hi Joshua,

For information I didn't hear anything on it since last comment. I won't been able to test it anymore as I have removed all H323 links and moved to SIP.

Best Regards

By: Alexander Anikin (may213) 2017-12-18 15:19:33.065-0600


I will try to find testing environment with Avaya PBX and back to work on that task.
If I can't find environment for test I will close this issue until there will be possibility for testing.

Cyril,  could you please remember what version of Avaya PBX you used on that case?