
Summary:ASTERISK-24902: spontaneous asterisk processes fall
Reporter:Vladimir T (v.tasnicenco)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-03-23 06:13:48Date Closed:2015-03-23 06:23:08
Versions: Frequency of
Environment:OS: UbuntuAttachments:( 0) aster-backtrace
Description:In different time asterisk proccess fall . In dmesg we can see only errory with libc such as: asterisk[33485]: segfault at 90 ip 00007fe7a3154bc9 sp 00007fe60dd1a4a8 error 4 in libc-2.15.so[7fe7a300d000+1b4000]

We are updated libc , but we didn't see any changes.
Need your advice and assistance in solving problems with asterisk
Comments:By: Vladimir T (v.tasnicenco) 2015-03-23 06:14:26.937-0500


By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2015-03-23 06:22:56.529-0500

Per the Asterisk versions page [1], the maintenance (bug fix) support for the Asterisk branch you are using has ended. For continued maintenance support please move to a supported branch of Asterisk. After testing with a supported branch, if you find this problem has not been resolved, please open a new issue against the latest version of that Asterisk branch.


[1] https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Versions