
Summary:ASTERISK-24908: UUI sent from Avaya to Asterisk over ISDN
Reporter:Cyril CONSTANTIN (dose)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-03-25 09:25:47Date Closed:2015-03-25 18:37:21
Versions:11.16.0 Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) Asterisk_console_logs_without_forcing.txt
( 1) Avaya_MST_traces_without_forcing_on_Asterisk.txt
( 2) UUI_receives_by_Avaya_then_I_try_to_force_UUI_on_Asterisk.txt

I'm trying to pass UUI from Avaya to Asterisk, while using pri debug I'm able to see my UUI sent to Asterisk, but on Asterisk I'm not able to display it with DumpChan or with NoOp USERUSERINFO. It looks that UUI isn't decoded properly to be displayed by Asterisk.

My current call flow is to get Avaya call through ISDN link to Asterisk then make some check on CLI and with Dial command connect back on Avaya through same ISDN link, so Asterisk works as a gatekeeper, so I would like to keep the UUI generated by Avaya when going through Asterisk and forward it back to Avaya.

I also tried to force the UUI on Asterisk with(Set(__USERUSERINFO=8888888888)) in order to see if I was able to see it on Avaya CTI server but unfortunately it doesn't look to be sent by Asterisk.

Thanks a lot for your help

Best Regards
Comments:By: Cyril CONSTANTIN (dose) 2015-03-25 10:34:37.485-0500

In attachment you have three traces, the first two traces are traces made from Asterisk + Avaya where I don't force UUI on Asterisk, I just need to forward call to 53708 (call is trombone through same ISDN link) so I was expecting that Asterisk will keep this UUI and pass it back to Avaya.

As you'll see there is no UUI field in SETUP while calling 53708.

Third traces I force UUI on Asterisk I try to set a fake UUI (8888888888) on Asterisk and expect to send it to Avaya by Dialing 53708 but nothing is send in SETUP message.

Best Regards

By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2015-03-25 10:38:54.911-0500

UUI support is not normally compiled into chan_dahdi/sig_pri.  You need to turn it on in the code by changing sig_pri.c to define SUPPORT_USERUSER.
/* define this to send PRI user-user information elements */

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2015-03-25 18:38:11.447-0500

Looks like this is a support issue, rather than a bug. I'm closing this out. Any further questions can be asked on the asterisk-users or asterisk-dev mailing lists. Thanks!

By: Cyril CONSTANTIN (dose) 2015-03-26 04:58:34.141-0500

Thanks a lot for your feedback it has resolved my issue, why not having including by default in Asterisk ?

By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2015-03-26 10:23:52.340-0500

It was implemented a *long* time ago.  Its implementation may not be what is really needed by people as it puts the same UUI data on many messages.