
Summary:ASTERISK-24931: dns: Add support for SRV records.
Reporter:Joshua C. Colp (jcolp)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-04-01 11:26:07Date Closed:2015-04-01 11:28:56
Versions:Frequency of
Description:Yay, SRV records. Huzzah.
Without regurgitating Josh's excellent wiki page, we need to be able to:
Expose SRV records using the API
Parse SRV records returned from the resolver and store them in the appropriate object
Provide SRV records as part of a 'standard' sync/async DNS query.
As usual, there are two phases to this: the implementation and the testing.
Implementation is relatively straight forward in this case.
Testing should include:
Verifying the public API of the dns_srv API
Verifying that a mock resolver can provide SRV records and that they are returned via queries. Results should include a single record in the SRV record, multiple records, different priorities, different weights, etc.
Verifying that our current resolver can provide SRV records via a test zone, and that the parsing returns the correct object
Note that at this time, we are not yet going to port over the existing srv.h API.