
Summary:ASTERISK-24940: cdr
Reporter:Jorge Bastos (jasb)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-04-05 15:06:38Date Closed:2015-04-05 21:55:20
Versions:11.17.0 Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) asterisk_CDR_CLID.jpg
Description:When placing external call's, the name associated with the internal extension, is not saved in the CDR "CLID" column, only when I call internal extensions the name is saves in the CLID column in the CDR.

Please check the attached image, the 1st line is an external call, and the 2nd an internal.
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2015-04-05 21:55:20.177-0500

First, Asterisk has no concept of "external" or "internal" extensions. That's a concept that a system built on Asterisk would construct - which would mean you should look to that system.

Second, a CDR's {{clid}} field reflects the channel's party identification, as it is set on the channel. That doesn't mean that it is valid - you can set the party identification to anything. Asterisk does not set it to the extension the channel is executing in. Something else has done that.

Even *if* Asterisk somehow managed to set the party identification of the channel to that value, it still wouldn't be a bug in Asterisk. You have the ability to alter the party identification on the channel, which would then be reflected in the {{clid}} field.

Finally, before opening any additional bugs, *please* go read the [Asterisk Issue Guidelines|https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Issue+Guidelines]. When you opened this issue, there was a checkbox stating "I have read the Asterisk Issue Guidelines". Either that was not checked, or you didn't read htem, as this issue is woefully lacking in any of the detail requested on that page.