
Summary:ASTERISK-24982: res_pjsip_mwi: Unsolicited MWI NOTIFY only sent on mailbox changes
Reporter:Joshua C. Colp (jcolp)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-04-20 14:46:00Date Closed:2015-04-22 14:08:34
Versions:13.3.2 Frequency of
Description:Currently the res_pjsip_mwi module only sends unsolicited MWI NOTIFY messages when the state of a mailbox changes. This is problematic as it may cause a device to think no voicemail is present when it actually is.

The two cases where NOTIFY should be sent are:
1. On initial startup. So that all reachable clients have up to date MWI information a NOTIFY should be sent to them upon startup.
2. When a device registers. Since a device that is registering is most likely to have forgotten any previous MWI status (or did not have any to begin with) it should be sent a NOTIFY.

These, together with sending on mailbox state changes, allows a client to have up to date MWI information at all times.