
Summary:ASTERISK-24995: Testsuite Test 'stasisstatus' Fails During Build
Reporter:Ashley Sanders (asanders)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-04-22 12:10:05Date Closed:2015-04-23 06:31:43
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) bamboo.tar
Description:The 'stasisstatus' test \['tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus'\] fails during the build.

According to the logs, the problem begins when the web socket for the first test case \[Babs\] fails to instantiate on the first try. While it is attempting to reconnect, the test case starts the next test scenario, \[Bugs\], and leaves \[Babs\] orphaned. This hang up subsequently results in the twisted.reactor timing out. The logic in the test states if the reactor times out, the test is automatically marked as a failure (as it should).

See: [https://bamboo.asterisk.org/bamboo/browse/AST-ATSARI-459]
I have attached the logs to this issue - See: [^bamboo.tar].
Comments:By: Ashley Sanders (asanders) 2015-04-22 13:15:34.612-0500

The Testsuite artifact for the failing build.