
Summary:ASTERISK-25002: [patch] - Demote "Extension Changed" messages in Asterisk CLI
Reporter:abelbeck (abelbeck)Labels:patch
Date Opened:2015-04-23 11:45:32Date Closed:
Versions: 11.17.1 13.3.2 Frequency of
is related toASTERISK-20706 reduce CLI spamming of "Extension Changed" device state messages
Environment:AstLinux 1.2.xAttachments:( 0) asterisk-1.8-extension-changed-verbosity-chan_sip.patch
( 1) asterisk-11-extension-changed-verbosity-chan_sip.patch
( 2) asterisk-13-extension-changed-verbosity-chan_sip.patch
Description:Hint messages "Extension Changed" are currently at verbosity level 2, useful CLI debugging needs verbosity level 3 or 4, the "Extension Changed" messages are an issue with many subscribing phones.

The trivial patch attached increases the "Extension Changed" verbosity from 2 to 5.

I don't think this deserves an asterisk.conf special variable to denote the verbosity level, changing to 5 will still allow debugging when necessary.

Disable "Extension Changed" messages in Asterisk CLI

Comments:By: abelbeck (abelbeck) 2015-04-23 11:50:18.577-0500

Trivial patch(es) to increase the "Extension Changed" messages verbosity from 2 to 5

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2015-04-23 15:04:10.789-0500

If you grep the Asterisk source for {{ast_verb(5}}, you'll find that it doesn't come up in any usual place. In fact, the only place it does appear is in {{res/res_pjsip_outbound_publish}}, where it probably should have been either a verbose 4 message or else as debug 1 message. (Probably debug.)

If you are going to make the change, I'd make it an {{ast_verb(4)}} message.

That being said, please do put your patches up for peer review on Gerrit:


Instructions can be found on the wiki:


By: abelbeck (abelbeck) 2015-04-23 15:24:07.100-0500

Within our project we were discussing ast_verb() 4 vs. 5, and the conclusion was it would be good to have some distinction between some of the other 4 level channel logs and not be littered with the "Extension Changed" messages.  Hence ast_verb() 5 was voted the choice.

I apologize I don't have the time to do the "Gerrit" thing at the moment.

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2015-04-24 12:12:21.357-0500

There's no requirement that you post the patches for submission directly, but they will get included *MUCH* faster if you do so. Ack'ing the issue either way.