
Summary:ASTERISK-25080: res_pjsip_refer: Refer code invoked with unexpected NULL channel on session
Reporter:Chet Stevens (cwstevens)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-05-12 14:37:44Date Closed:2015-06-02 17:28:39
Versions:13.1.0 Frequency of
is the original version of this clone:ASTERISK-25025 Periodic crashes (in ast_channel_snapshot_create at stasis_channels.c) with Certified Asterisk 13.
is a clone ofASTERISK-25081 res_pjsip_refer: Refer code invoked with unexpected NULL channel on session
duplicatesASTERISK-24700 CRASH: NULL channel is being passed to ast_bridge_transfer_attended()
is related toASTERISK-24700 CRASH: NULL channel is being passed to ast_bridge_transfer_attended()
Environment:Asterisk 13.1-cert2 Ubuntu Server 14.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-35-generic x86_64) HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8 with 16 GB memory Wildcard AEX2400: wctdm24xxp+ Wildcard TE420 (5th Gen): wct4xxp+Attachments:( 0) atlantic_street_backtrace_2.txt
( 1) atlantic_street_verbose_2.txt
Description:We have been experiencing periodic crashes with Certified Asterisk 13 that had not been seen previously before upgrading from Certified Asterisk 11. A backtrace will be attached to this issue. Any additional information can be provided. Thank you.

Comments:By: Kevin Harwell (kharwell) 2015-06-02 12:50:41.171-0500

This looks to be the same issue that was fixed by ASTERISK-24700. I'll make sure that patch gets applied to the certified branch.