
Summary:ASTERISK-25203: AMI event QueueCallerLeave not always sent
Reporter:Etienne Lessard (hexanol)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-06-25 10:19:00Date Closed:
Versions:SVN 13.4.0 Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) ASTERISK-25203_full.txt
( 1) ASTERISK-25203-managerlog.txt
Description:The AMI Event QueueCallerLeave (generated by app_queue) is not sent when another channel calls the Bridge application with the queue caller's channel.

For example, if I have the following dialplan:

exten = 301,1,NoOp()
same  =   n,Queue(foo)
same  =   n,Hangup()

exten = 302,1,NoOp()
same  =   n,Bridge(SIP/alice,x)
same  =   n,Hangup()

When Alice (SIP/alice) calls the 301 extension
And Bob calls the 302 extension
Then Alice and Bob are bridged together
But no QueueCallerLeave event was sent

In asterisk 11, the QueueCallerLeave event was sent in this scenario, which was useful because if you were tracking QueueCallerJoin event, you could just track the QueueCallerLeave event to know "reliably" when a channel calling a queue left a queue (either because it was answered or not).
Comments:By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2015-07-14 20:01:16.739-0500

Attached logs from reproduction in Asterisk GIT-13-1aafadf (from today).