
Summary:ASTERISK-25313: tests/bridge/connected_line_update: Sporadically failing
Reporter:Joshua C. Colp (jcolp)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-08-11 08:17:09Date Closed:2015-09-23 12:59:13
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) clu-ast1-full.txt
( 1) clu-ast2-full.txt
( 2) clu-ast3-full.txt
( 3) clu-full.txt
Description:The tests/bridge/connected_line_update test likes to sporadically fail on both 13 and master.

The warnings are as follows:

Running ['./lib/python/asterisk/test_runner.py', 'tests/bridge/connected_line_update'] ...
[Aug 07 08:04:43] WARNING[13402]: ami:302 event_callback: Requirement CLInfo: Bob <4321> does not match CLInfo: newbob <2345> in event

[Aug 07 08:04:43] WARNING[13402]: ami:302 event_callback: Requirement CLInfo: newbob <2345> does not match CLInfo: newalice <5432> in event

[Aug 07 08:04:44] WARNING[13402]: ami:192 __check_result: Event occurred 4 times, which is out of the allowable range

[Aug 07 08:04:44] WARNING[13402]: ami:193 __check_result: Event description: {'count': '5', 'requirements': [{'match': {'CLInfo': 'Bob <4321>'}}, {'match': {'CLInfo': 'Bob <4321>'}}, {'match': {'CLInfo': 'Bob <4321>'}}, {'match': {'CLInfo': 'newbob <2345>'}}, {'match': {'CLInfo': 'newalice <5432>'}}], 'conditions': {'match': {'UserEvent': 'CLInfo', 'Event': 'UserEvent'}}, 'id': '0', 'type': 'orderedheadermatch'}

Running manually on my own system doesn't exhibit this problem, and even on the build agents it fails 25% of the time approximately.