
Summary:ASTERISK-25419: Dialplan Application for Integration of StatsD
Reporter:Ashley Sanders (asanders)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-09-24 17:05:47Date Closed:2015-12-09 11:09:22.000-0600
Status:Closed/CompleteComponents:Core/General Resources/res_statsd
Versions:13.5.0 13.6.0 Frequency of
Description:Currently, Asterisk has the ability to send hard coded statistics to a statsd server. While that's cool, that it is more useful as a demo of capabilities than anything else.

This task would be to do the following:

# Add a generic dialplan application that supports sending statistics of various kinds to a statsd server. The dialplan writer should have the ability to choose the type of statistic, as well as provide the full name of the statistic to be manipulated. This would allow the dialplan to send arbitrary statistics to the statsd server.
# statsd is often used in conjunction with other metrics to determine loading. Improve the statistics to include:
#- Known memory usage on the server (should be able to be obtained using some Linux headers)
#- More specifics of channels. Important bits would be the number of transcoding channels, and the number of particular types of bridges, as well as the number of channels in those bridges.

The proposed API for integrating statsd support into the dialplan is described with more detail in the project plan, which is provided as a link in the reference notes.