
Summary:ASTERISK-25432: Testsuite: tests/channels/SIP/tcpauthlimit/tcp_client_scenario is Failing
Reporter:Ashley Sanders (asanders)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-09-28 16:11:40Date Closed:2015-11-17 11:25:24.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) full.txt
( 1) logs.tar.gz
( 2) messages.txt
Description:The test fails to create the correct number of client connection. The message given is:

Based on the test configuration, I expected to receive:
5 client connections.
Here is what I actually received:
2 client connections.

See the attached logs.
Comments:By: Ashley Sanders (asanders) 2015-09-28 16:37:01.846-0500

After analyzing the test locally, I can get the test to fail sporadically. Also, it looks like the test is not releasing some of the ports that it connects to during test execution such that running the test twice back-to-back, results in the following error:

{{Failed to establish a connection. Reason: Couldn't bind: 98: Address already in use.}}