
Summary:ASTERISK-25569: app_meetme: Audio quality issues
Reporter:Corey Farrell (coreyfarrell)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-11-18 13:53:55.000-0600Date Closed:2015-12-10 06:05:36.000-0600
Versions:SVN 11.15.0 11.20.0 13.6.0 Frequency of
is caused byASTERISK-24572 [patch]App_meetme is loaded without its defaults when the configuration file is missing
Description:ASTERISK-24572 caused audio quality issues with app_meetme.  I still need to troubleshoot the exact reason this causes problems and how to fix it but I've verified the issue exists in 11.15.0+, except when c02beb1097eab43bbcc4160c49176b121a5ca2a3 is reversed.

Not using realtime. My meetme.conf has no values set, only empty general and rooms sections. The channels are put into MeetMe using:
same => n,MeetMe(${DYNAMIC_BRIDGE_ID},AdEFq)
The most common case is for two channels to be put into each MeetMe. In most / almost all cases this results in poor audio quality being sent to the second channel to join the MeetMe. Channel 1 can hear Channel 2 clearly, but Channel 2 hears garbled audio for Channel 1. The garbled audio is good enough to understand, but easily noticeable.
Comments:By: Asterisk Team (asteriskteam) 2015-11-18 13:53:56.909-0600

Thanks for creating a report! The issue has entered the triage process. That means the issue will wait in this status until a Bug Marshal has an opportunity to review the issue. Once the issue has been reviewed you will receive comments regarding the next steps towards resolution.

A good first step is for you to review the [Asterisk Issue Guidelines|https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Issue+Guidelines] if you haven't already. The guidelines detail what is expected from an Asterisk issue report.

Then, if you are submitting a patch, please review the [Patch Contribution Process|https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Patch+Contribution+Process].

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2015-11-18 19:12:35.104-0600

That's ... weird. The realtime settings affected by that patch mostly deal with audio prompts being played, and when they are played.

Does it affect non-realtime MeetMe conferences?

By: Corey Farrell (coreyfarrell) 2015-11-18 20:57:55.179-0600

There is no realtime.  My meetme.conf has no values set, only empty general and rooms sections.  The channels are put into MeetMe using:
same => n,MeetMe($\{DYNAMIC_BRIDGE_ID\},AdEFq)

The most common case is for two channels to be put into each MeetMe.  In most / almost all cases this results in poor audio quality being sent to the second channel to join the MeetMe.  Channel 1 can hear Channel 2 clearly, but Channel 2 hears garbled audio for Channel 1.  The garbled audio is good enough to understand, but easily noticeable.

I should note I've only tested this with 11.14.1 through 11.20.0.  I assume it's an issue in 13 / SVN due to the offending commit being merged to those branches.

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2015-11-19 09:13:24.051-0600

Corey I'm assigning this to you since you mentioned that you are looking into it. Thanks!

By: Corey Farrell (coreyfarrell) 2015-12-07 12:23:01.184-0600

On quick review of the change I believe the problem is that audio_buffers is never set unless a valid config contains {{audiobuffers}}.  I haven't had a chance to test this yet but it seems logical, in my configuration this would cause audio_buffers to always equal 0.

I hope to have a chance to test this soon.