
Summary:ASTERISK-25631: segfault at rtp_engine.c:1525
Reporter:Christian Beyerlein (cbeyerlein)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-12-16 03:58:07.000-0600Date Closed:2015-12-16 05:55:59.000-0600
Versions:13.5.0 Frequency of
Environment:CentOS 6 x86_64Attachments:( 0) bt.fravocmg31.fra.net-m.internal-2015-12-11T14-18-00+0100
( 1) bt.fravocmg31.fra.net-m.internal-2015-12-11T14-29-33+0100
( 2) bt.fravocmg31.fra.net-m.internal-2015-12-12T13-06-06+0100
( 3) bt.fravocmg31.fra.net-m.internal-2015-12-14T11-07-39+0100
Description:We are getting occasional segmentation faults at rtp_engine.c:1525
Comments:By: Asterisk Team (asteriskteam) 2015-12-16 03:58:10.826-0600

Thanks for creating a report! The issue has entered the triage process. That means the issue will wait in this status until a Bug Marshal has an opportunity to review the issue. Once the issue has been reviewed you will receive comments regarding the next steps towards resolution.

A good first step is for you to review the [Asterisk Issue Guidelines|https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Issue+Guidelines] if you haven't already. The guidelines detail what is expected from an Asterisk issue report.

Then, if you are submitting a patch, please review the [Patch Contribution Process|https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Patch+Contribution+Process].

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2015-12-16 05:55:59.557-0600

This was fixed in revision b719f56c72c9cc66879eeef11de2ef4498cba648 and will be released in 13.6.0.