
Summary:ASTERISK-25880: Wiki Documentation - Configuration/Applications/Queue - Rewrite/add tutorials and examples, remove AEL guide?
Reporter:Rusty Newton (rnewton)Labels:
Date Opened:2016-03-30 09:15:17Date Closed:
Versions:Frequency of
Description:This section contains only two child pages, one which is basically the queue section from the definitive guide and the other which is a tutorial for building call queues with AEL.

We should rewrite the Building Queues section since it was made around 1.6.2.

Since queues can get complicated I think it would be nice to have three examples at least. One EXTREMELY simple queue, then two more complicated queues with different approaches.

Additionally a section talking about some members/agents and all that would be nice.

I suggest we consider removing the guide for AEL unless we want to promote the use of AEL. ( I don't think anyone does)

After fixing up this section we can move it under Configuration/Applications