
Summary:ASTERISK-25946: queue_log being created even if app_queue is not loaded or existing
Reporter:Private Name (falves11)Labels:
Date Opened:2016-04-20 07:52:12Date Closed:2016-04-20 12:10:24
Versions:11.22.0-rc1 Frequency of
Environment:Linux Centos 7 64Attachments:
Description:The file queue_log gets created and written to, but there is no app_queue loaded and it happens even if I erase the module app_queue.so from the machine. This is very heavy for the machine, because I have 1000+ asterisk processes and this the file handle count goes through the roof. How can we avoid creating this file. Also, the file has weird information no related to the contents of queues.conf.

Where all these entries come from? The numbers in the left column are not anywhere in my /etc/asterisk directory.
Comments:By: Asterisk Team (asteriskteam) 2016-04-20 07:52:13.459-0500

Thanks for creating a report! The issue has entered the triage process. That means the issue will wait in this status until a Bug Marshal has an opportunity to review the issue. Once the issue has been reviewed you will receive comments regarding the next steps towards resolution.

A good first step is for you to review the [Asterisk Issue Guidelines|https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Issue+Guidelines] if you haven't already. The guidelines detail what is expected from an Asterisk issue report.

Then, if you are submitting a patch, please review the [Patch Contribution Process|https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Patch+Contribution+Process].

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2016-04-20 09:42:47.492-0500

From logger.conf

; This determines whether or not we log queue events to a file
; (defaults to yes).
;queue_log = no
; Determines whether the queue_log always goes to a file, even
; when a realtime backend is present (defaults to no).
;queue_log_to_file = yes
; Set the queue_log filename
; (defaults to queue_log)
;queue_log_name = queue_log

Have you tried disabling the queue_log in logger.conf?

By: Private Name (falves11) 2016-04-20 10:01:53.899-0500

I was using an older, inherited file logger.conf where that part was not present. It works as it should. The file does not get created. Please close the case. However, the default should be no, unless app_queue is loaded. I suggest we change the default to "no". It makes little sense to create this file unless app_queue is active.