
Summary:ASTERISK-25971: WebRTC - set Asterisk IP for SDP manually
Reporter:Alex A. Welzl (awelzl)Labels:
Date Opened:2016-04-28 03:08:57Date Closed:2016-04-28 05:22:18
Versions:11.21.2 13.8.2 Frequency of
Description:When enabling WebRTC on Asterisk the server broadcasts all available IPs (from bindaddr). There is no setting where you can set the IP address(es) for WebRTC SDPs. The result is that the client receives e.g. private IP addresses and try to communicate which then fails.
Comments:By: Asterisk Team (asteriskteam) 2016-04-28 03:08:57.856-0500

Thanks for creating a report! The issue has entered the triage process. That means the issue will wait in this status until a Bug Marshal has an opportunity to review the issue. Once the issue has been reviewed you will receive comments regarding the next steps towards resolution.

A good first step is for you to review the [Asterisk Issue Guidelines|https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Issue+Guidelines] if you haven't already. The guidelines detail what is expected from an Asterisk issue report.

Then, if you are submitting a patch, please review the [Patch Contribution Process|https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Patch+Contribution+Process].

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2016-04-28 05:22:18.146-0500

Asterisk 13 allows mapping internal IP addresses to external IP addresses in the rtp.conf file, you can look at the sample file to see how. This does not allow you to completely control the addresses offering. Implementing that would be a new feature and we do not accept new feature requests on the issue tracker.