
Summary:ASTERISK-26098: cdr: Source and Destination on the middle leg of a blonde transfer are incorrect
Reporter:George Joseph (gjoseph)Labels:
Date Opened:2016-06-08 09:48:14Date Closed:
Versions:SVN 13.9.1 Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) callee_local_blonde_master_full.log
( 1) callee_local_blonde_master.txt
Alice calls Bob
Bob answers then puts Alice on hold.
Bob dials Charlie and transfers before Charlie answers.

The "middle" cdr should show Bob and Charlie as the source and destination respectively.  Instead it shows Bob and Bob.

Bob's outgoing channel snapshot shows the correct destination (exten) right up to the point the CDR is finalized, then something creates a new snapshot in which the exten is wrong and the CDR is changed as a result.

"","alice","call_b","default","""Alice"" <alice>","PJSIP/alice-00000000","PJSIP/bob-00000001","Dial","PJSIP/bob","2016-06-08 14:38:06","2016-06-08 14:38:06","2016-06-08 14:38:07",1,1,"ANSWERED","DOCUMENTATION","1465396686.0",""
"","bob","call_b","default","""Bob"" <bob>","PJSIP/bob-00000002","PJSIP/charlie-00000003","Dial","PJSIP/charlie","2016-06-08 14:38:06",,"2016-06-08 14:38:07",1,0,"NO ANSWER","DOCUMENTATION","1465396686.9",""
"","alice","call_c","default","""Alice"" <alice>","PJSIP/alice-00000000","PJSIP/charlie-00000003","Dial","PJSIP/charlie","2016-06-08 14:38:11","2016-06-08 14:38:11","2016-06-08 14:38:11",0,0,"ANSWERED","DOCUMENTATION","1465396686.0",""

"call_b" is Bob's extension.
"call_c" is Charlie's extension.

Notice that in the second CDR, Bob appears to be calling himself but the outgoing channel and dial string are clearly Charlie's.

The callee_local_blonde attended transfer test can demonstrate the issue if you grab the cdrs.

More debugging attached.
