
Summary:ASTERISK-26279: pjproject-bundled: Fails to compile on Debian 6
Reporter:George Joseph (gjoseph)Labels:
Date Opened:2016-08-09 12:57:41Date Closed:2016-08-29 16:51:16
Versions:13.10.0-rc1 13.11.0 14.0.0-beta1 14.0.0-beta2 14.0.0 GIT Frequency of
Environment:Ubuntu 14 or Debian 6Attachments:
Description:--Both Ubuntu 14 and-- Debian 6 seem to be stuck at libsrtp 1.4.x but pjproject >= 2.5 (bundled or not) requires libsrtp 1.5.x (currently 1.5.4).   CentOS 6 is ok at libsrtp 1.5.4.

pjproject does include it's own version of libsrtp-1.5.4 and we can use it, but then asterisk itself, using the system libraries, would be out of sync with pjproject.

The only current work around is to uninstall the system libsrtp0 package and install libsrtp from source.   There are 2 issues with this though...  On Debian at least, libsrtp0 is a requirement for gnome,  and also on Debian, libsrtp needs openssl >= 1.x.x and only 0.9.x is available.  This requires compiling libnsrtp with --disable-openssl.

Comments:By: George Joseph (gjoseph) 2016-08-09 20:38:21.106-0500

It looks like although Ubuntu 14 is at libsrtp-1.4.5, it looks like it's been patched and compiles OK.