
Summary:ASTERISK-26648: ulimit setting is not working with asterisk
Reporter:Karthik Raja (karthikrajaraj)Labels:
Date Opened:2016-12-07 06:38:44.000-0600Date Closed:2016-12-07 06:43:20.000-0600
Versions: Frequency of
Environment:Opensuse 13.1, vicidial, Mysql, PHP, ApacheAttachments:

We are facing the below error frequently in the customer environment.
"asterisk.c: Accept returned -1: Too many open files"
"tcptls.c: Accept failed: Too many open files"

We are starting the asterisk process with ulimit 65536 and the same is showing when we check the limits of asterisk process ID by executing cat /proc/PID/limits.

When we run unlimit -a it is showing 1024. Asterisk should not get this error when we increase the limit when starting the asterisk.

Comments:By: Asterisk Team (asteriskteam) 2016-12-07 06:38:45.763-0600

Thanks for creating a report! The issue has entered the triage process. That means the issue will wait in this status until a Bug Marshal has an opportunity to review the issue. Once the issue has been reviewed you will receive comments regarding the next steps towards resolution.

A good first step is for you to review the [Asterisk Issue Guidelines|https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Issue+Guidelines] if you haven't already. The guidelines detail what is expected from an Asterisk issue report.

Then, if you are submitting a patch, please review the [Patch Contribution Process|https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Patch+Contribution+Process].

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2016-12-07 06:43:13.495-0600

Per the Asterisk versions page [1], the maintenance (bug fix) support for the Asterisk branch you are using has ended. For continued maintenance support please move to a supported branch of Asterisk. After testing with a supported branch, if you find this problem has not been resolved, please open a new issue against the latest version of that Asterisk branch.


[1] https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Versions