
Summary:ASTERISK-26976: libsrtp-2.x.x support
Reporter:Alex (metsys)Labels:
Date Opened:2017-05-02 12:14:04Date Closed:2017-07-06 07:08:54
Versions:13.15.0 Frequency of
causesASTERISK-27356 [patch] libsrtp-2.x.x + AES-GCM support
is related toASTERISK-27253 [patch] libsrtp-2.1.x support
Environment:https://github.com/cisco/libsrtp centos 6.9 x64 Attachments:
Description:can't compile asteriks 13.15.0 (guess higher versions also ) due to absence of support libsrtp v2.x.x
got error:
checking for mandatory modules:  CRYPTO SRTP OPENSSL... fail

configure: ***
configure: *** The SRTP installation appears to be missing or broken.
configure: *** Either correct the installation, or run configure
configure: *** including --without-srtp.

using libbsrtp v1.5.x - all correct.
Comments:By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2017-06-06 05:02:31.665-0500

Change 5722 merged by Joshua Colp:
res_srtp: Add support for libsrtp2


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2017-06-06 05:02:43.820-0500

Change 5723 merged by Joshua Colp:
res_srtp: Add support for libsrtp2


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2017-06-06 05:02:53.016-0500

Change 5724 merged by Joshua Colp:
res_srtp: Add support for libsrtp2


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2018-03-14 06:35:50.889-0500

Change 8503 merged by Joshua Colp:
res_srtp: Add support for libsrtp2.x on openSUSE.
